Heads up, lean in—because I'm here to...

Change your relationship with yourself + your body by bringing some spice back to your exercise routine

(and show you how hip scarf & millennia-old movements could be the secret to doing just that.)


Heads up, lean in—

Because I’m here to change your relationship with yourself + your body by bringing some spice back to your exercise routine

(and show you how hip scarf & millennia-old movements could be the secret to doing just that.)


Heads up, lean in—because I'm here to...

Change your relationship with yourself + your body by bringing some spice back to your exercise routine

(and show you how hip scarf & millennia-old movements could be the secret to doing just that.)


If you’re like most women who hit puberty when teen magazines were only printed on actual paper (and not screens) …

… at this age, you don’t exactly feel * hair toss * like the picture of feminine mystique, beauty, and radiance every day when you roll out of bed. 

Thirty (fourty/fifty), flirty, and thriving? Eh, more like surviving.

And you’re a champ, you’ve tackled a ton in the last few decades.

Whether you’re a loving momma who’s had multiple kids OR you’re seeing your body go through perimenopausal or menopause symptoms … you’re the first to admit that your body doesn't look the same it used to.

But I’m here to tell you how you feel about your body (and your midsection) can age well like a fine wine.

Because if you’re like most women who hit puberty when teen magazines were only printed on actual paper (and not screens) …

… at this age, you don’t exactly feel * hair toss * like the picture of feminine mystique, beauty, and radiance every day when you roll out of bed. 

Thirty (fourty/fifty), flirty, and thriving? Eh, more like surviving.

And you’re a champ, you’ve tackled a ton in the last few decades.

Whether you’re a loving momma who’s had multiple, energy-filled kids OR you’re seeing your body go through perimenopausal or menopause symptoms … you’re first to admit that your body doesn't look the same it used to. 

But I’m here to tell you how you feel about your body (and your midsection) can age well like a fine wine.

Rewind with me to 2015—

I’d wrapped up my Sunday afternoon belly dance class at the local gym. 

Everyone was grabbing their bags & water bottles when one of my regulars came up.

“Jennifer! I have something to tell you,” she breathlessly said with a grin.

“Since I've been coming to belly dance class my leakage & incontinence is GONE.”

I didn’t even know she was dealing with something like this … and here she was excitedly proclaiming shimmies & hip circles had helped her get back to her life & the things she loved. She could go out with friends on a whim & delve into activity without fear of an embarrassing “accident.”

Witnessing her enthusiasm with this change filled me with happiness and pride …  But what came next surprised me even more—

She was just the first of many of my students who told me stories just like this, one after the other.

I knew I’d stumbled onto a solution that women everywhere had been crying out for—and that I had to make it my mission to help other women just like you.

Rewind with me to 2015—

I’d wrapped up my Sunday afternoon belly dance class at the local gym. 

Everyone was grabbing their bags & water bottles when one of my regulars came up.

“Jennifer! I have something to tell you,” she breathlessly said with a grin.

“Since I've been coming to belly dance class my leakage & incontinence is GONE.”

I didn’t even know she was dealing with something like this … and here she was excitedly proclaiming shimmies & hip circles had helped her get back to her life & the things she loved. She could go out with friends on a whim & delve into activity without fear of an embarrassing “accident.”

Witnessing her enthusiasm with this change filled me with happiness and pride …  But what came next surprised me even more—

She was just the first of many of my students who told me stories just like this, one after the other.

I knew I’d stumbled onto a solution that women everywhere had been crying out for—and that I had to make it my mission to help other women just like you.

So I did what any self-professed health nerd would do: 

I broke out the books & did my research scouring every medical publication I could find about women’s pelvic floor muscles.

After hours of analyzing scientific journals, I discovered nearly every woman wants a stronger pelvic floor. 

After all, that’s your ticket to—

  • Freedom from embarrassing leaking

  • A healthy low back and reduction in back pain

  • Enhanced sexual pleasure (ooh la la)

  • Smoother and faster recovery from childbirth

And incontinence? Whoah baby, buckle up:

And incontinence?

Whoah baby, buckle up:

It affects nearly 40% of women ages 30-50.

And if you don’t deal with it now, there’s a chance you will as your birthday candle count creeps up. 


% of women ages 30-50 suffer from stress incontinence*


million women in the US have bladder leaking


of women keep it a secret

from their doctor


% of women are unable to correctly do a Kegel exercise**


% of women experience symptoms immediately after child-birth


women have joined

The Belly Dance Solution


% of women ages 30-50 suffer from stress incontinence*


million women in the US have bladder leaking


of women keep it a secret

from their doctor


% of women are unable to correctly do a Kegel exercise**


% of women experience symptoms immediately after child-birth


women have joined

The Belly Dance Solution

The problem is most women don't want to do boring kegel exercises day after day to stop leakage.

(yes, the ones your OB told you to do before childbirth)

Not only is identifying where the muscles are daunting, but they’re freakishly dull

That’s when it hit me:

The natural, organic sways & gentle hip movements of belly dance are rooted in centuries old childbirth rituals

That’s when it hit me:

The natural, organic sways & gentle hip movements of belly dance are rooted in centuries old childbirth rituals

 Belly dance movements naturally and effectively work the pelvic floor muscles.

Here I was off in the studio teaching a fun, freeing way to  …

Tighten up your midsection, flatten your belly, and get those cut obliques without a zillion crunches

Exercise in a way that makes most women grin ear to ear with some long overdue “me time” (set to music that’s nearly impossible to at LEAST tap your foot to)

Rediscover the bodily awareness that comes with increased flexibility & a refreshed workout routine

Tap into your inner feminine self-esteem and womanhood—God gave us hips, lets shake what our mamas gave us!

… but my students were reminding me of how belly dance could

halt embarrassing leaking once and for all …

 Belly dance movements naturally and effectively target the pelvic floor muscles.

Here I was off in the studio teaching a fun, freeing way to  …

Tighten up your midsection, flatten your belly, and get those cut obliques without a zillion crunches

Exercise in a way that makes most women grin ear to ear with some long overdue “me time” (set to music that’s nearly impossible to at LEAST tap your foot to)

Rediscover the bodily awareness that comes with increased flexibility & a refreshed workout routine

Tap into your inner feminine self-esteem and womanhood—God gave us hips, lets shake what our mamas gave us!

… but my students were reminding me about how belly dance could halt embarrassing leaking once and for all...

So I dug deeper, analyzing exactly which belly dance movements were most effective for strengthening the pelvic floor...

I was all but convinced, and then I hit the jackpot with an unexpected surprise...



A happy accident led me to discover a study in The Journal of Physical Therapy Science.

I almost couldn’t believe it at first...

Among the millions of scientific studies in the world, someone had done a study on the EXACT thing I was trying to prove myself. To say I was shocked is an understatement.

Even better, it was featured in such a reputable journal!

And what the study revealed was astonishing… It showed that belly dance is highly effective in relieving incontinence. Amazingly, in my search for answers, I had stumbled upon a study that backed up all my instincts.

It was clear: Science supported what my students were already experiencing – and had been telling me about for years.

Remarkably, these scientific studies show that belly dance can increase pelvic floor strength and relieve the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

So I dug deeper, analyzing exactly which belly dance movements were most effective for strengthening the pelvic floor... I was all but convinced, and then I hit the jackpot with an unexpected surprise...


A happy accident led me to discover a study in The Journal of Physical Therapy Science.

I almost couldn’t believe it at first...

Among the millions of scientific studies in the world, someone had done a study on the EXACT thing I was trying to prove myself. To say I was shocked is an understatement.

Even better, it was featured in such a reputable journal!

And what the study revealed was astonishing… It showed that belly dance is highly effective in relieving incontinence. Amazingly, in my search for answers, I had stumbled upon a study that backed up all my instincts.

It was clear: Science supported what my students were already experiencing – and had been telling me about for years.

Remarkably, these scientific studies show that belly dance can increase pelvic floor strength and relieve the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

Finally, I Took All This Research And My Firsthand Experience And Created My Signature Method...

After hours of research and putting it all together with how belly dance originated, I had an incredible realization…

My belly dance students had eliminated incontinence and strengthened their pelvic floor by accident just by doing the belly dance movements and having fun!

Best of all, unlike kegels, they didn't need to know where the muscles were. They just needed to do the belly dance movements! Poof! Magic!

As a result of my research and analysis I came up with my signature program that is based on the Core 5 Belly Dance Movements for strengthening the pelvic floor.

But I didn't want this program to be only about strengthening the pelvic floor, I wanted it to be fun!

So, I combined The Core 5 Belly Dance Movements into belly dance combinations so you can experience the joy of dancing AND get a great workout at the same time!

No more boring Kegel exercises!

Finally, I Took All This Research And My Firsthand Experience And Created My Signature Method...

After hours of research and putting it all together with how belly dance originated, I had an incredible realization…

My belly dance students had eliminated incontinence and strengthened their pelvic floor by accident just by doing the belly dance movements and having fun!

Best of all, unlike kegels, they didn't need to know where the muscles were. They just needed to do the belly dance movements! Poof! Magic!

As a result of my research and analysis I came up with my signature program that is based on the Core 5 Belly Dance Movements for strengthening the pelvic floor.

But I didn't want this program to be only about strengthening the pelvic floor, I wanted it to be fun!

So, I combined The Core 5 Belly Dance Movements into belly dance combinations so you can experience the joy of dancing AND get a great workout at the same time!

No more boring Kegel exercises!

I took my Signature Core 5 Belly Dance movements and combined them—

and now, you can put it to work in the privacy of your own home.

I took my Signature Core 5 Belly Dance movements and combined them— and now, you can put it to work in the privacy of your own home.

Introducing The Belly Dance Solution...

Give me 21 days, and...

I’ll have you hip-rolling your way to better posture, a toned tummy, and limited leakage—no matter your age, size, or dance fitness level.

The Belly Dance Solution is hands-down most comprehensive guide to belly dancing in the privacy of your own home designed for women just like you

When you’re ready to celebrate your femininity, strengthen your pelvic floor, and relieve your leaky bladder for good, shake it on over to The Belly Dance Solution.

The Belly Dance Solution is hands-down most comprehensive guide to belly dancing in the privacy of your own home designed for women just like you

When you’re ready to celebrate your femininity, strengthen your pelvic floor, and relieve your leaky bladder for good, shake it on over to The Belly Dance Solution.


"Awesome, fun and sexy"


"So fun! I can't wait to do it again"



"Awesome, fun and sexy"


"So fun! I can't wait to do it again!"


There’s no real set-up or equipment required—in fact, I want you to get in the fringe pockets and hours of your day.

That’s why included in the core curriculum of The Belly Dance Solution, I’m including …

The Belly Dance Solution Foundation

of 17 Video Lessons

The Belly Dance Solution Foundation of 17 Video Lessons

Virtually step into the studio with me (yes, I naturally have my hip scarf on) as I walk you through the core movements. Once you learn the core 5 movements, I’m going to tell you how to do these as you brush your teeth, wash dishes, stir the pasta—those moments add up to shape your stomachand inner goddess. 

You’ll find a “watch-and-learn”

style video for …

The Posture Primer: How to Have Proper Belly Dance Posture

If we’re going to lean on peer-reviewed science about how belly dancing works, we’re gonna start by defining our terms—the posture terms, that is. I’ll tee you up with a quick snapshot of how to hold your body.

The Posture Primer: How to Have Proper Belly Dance Posture

If we’re going to lean on peer-reviewed science about how belly dancing works, we’re gonna start by defining our terms—the posture terms, that is. I’ll tee you up with a quick snapshot of how to hold your body.

Enjoy a Kegel Free Life With

The 5 Core Belly Dance Movements

This is my exclusive, signature method for strengthening your pelvic floor muscles—the very moves I get “my leakage is GONE!” texts & DMs about. You’ll tighten your midsection with …

  • The Pelvic Lift & Drop

  • Pelvic Squares

  • Ommi (the Pelvic Circle)

  • Undulations

  • Hip Circles

Enjoy a Kegel Free Life with the 5 Core Belly Dance Movements

This is my exclusive, signature method for strengthening your pelvic floor muscles—the very moves I get “my leakage is GONE!” texts & DMs about. You’ll tighten your midsection with …

  • The Pelvic Lift & Drop

  • Pelvic Squares

  • Ommi (the Pelvic Circle)

  • Undulations

  • Hip Circles

The 4 Next Level

Belly Dance Movements

Then, we’ll kick it up with some fun, easy movements to tack on to your basics, moves that will save you from EVER having to do a kegel exercise in your life, like …

  • Step Hip

  • Hip Drop

  • Figure-8

  • Chest Lift & Drop

The 4 Next Level

Belly Dance Movements

Then, we’ll kick it up with some fun, easy movements to tack on to your basics, moves that will save you from EVER having to do a kegel exercise in your life, like …

  • Step Hip

  • Hip Drop

  • Figure-8

  • Chest Lift & Drop

6 Flow-Ready

Belly Dance Combinations

Let’s put two & two together, you’re ready! Go from nervous beginner to “oh okayyyy girl” with moves that reconnect you with your femininity—and transform your health in the process, like …

  • Step Hip with Undulations

  • Traveling Figure 8s

  • Traveling Step with Hip Drop

  • Turn with Undulations

  • Step Hip Front & Back

  • Rock Step with Cross Step Hips

6 Flow-Ready

Belly Dance Combinations

Let’s put two & two together, you’re ready! Go from nervous beginner to “oh okayyyy girl” with moves that reconnect you with your femininity—and transform your health in the process, like …

  • Step Hip with Undulations

  • Traveling Figure 8s

  • Traveling Step with Hip Drop

  • Turn with Undulations

  • Step Hip Front & Back

  • Rock Step with Cross Step Hips

^^ EVERY single video is under 6 minutes, you have my word. You’re busy—let me quickly show you the move, deconstruct it, and practice for a few rounds with you. Whether your style is more laptop, smartphone, or table, you’ll be able to start AND master belly dancing from the privacy of your own home … on your OWN time.

Fit in your belly dance anywhere your headphones can travel with...

17 Voice-Guided Practice Drills

As in life, consistency is key here, too—sink in long-lasting results with my quick & easy on-the-go audio files so you can fit in your belly dance anywhere your headphones can travel.

  • In‌ ‌each‌ ‌5‌ ‌to‌ ‌10-minute‌ ‌drill,‌ ‌I‌ ‌will‌ ‌personally‌ ‌guide‌ ‌you‌ ‌through‌ ‌belly‌ ‌dance‌ ‌movements‌ ‌that‌ ‌will‌ ‌strengthen‌ ‌your‌ ‌core‌ ‌and‌ ‌get‌ ‌you‌ ‌dancing‌ ‌like‌ ‌you‌ ‌have‌ ‌been‌ ‌doing‌ ‌it‌ ‌for‌ ‌years.‌

  • ​This personal learning style is the most effective way to learn belly dancing—I should know, it’s the exact method I have used with 1000s of my students!

  • Put them all into motion without the “click, download, repeat” rhythm—they’re all teed up in a private podcast feed for you, so you can add them to your podcast catcher with one touch.

  • In‌ ‌each‌ ‌5‌ ‌to‌ ‌10-minute‌ ‌drill,‌ ‌I‌ ‌will‌ ‌personally‌ ‌guide‌ ‌you‌ ‌through‌ ‌belly‌ ‌dance‌ ‌movements‌ ‌that‌ ‌will‌ ‌strengthen‌ ‌your‌ ‌core‌ ‌and‌ ‌get‌ ‌you‌ ‌dancing‌ ‌like‌ ‌you‌ ‌have‌ ‌been‌ ‌doing‌ ‌it‌ ‌for‌ ‌years.‌

  • ​This personal learning style is the most effective way to learn belly dancing—I should know, it’s the exact method I have used with 1000s of my students!

  • Put them all into motion without the “click, download, repeat” rhythm—they’re all teed up in a private podcast feed for you, so you can add them to your podcast catcher with one touch.

Don’t fret about having to remember everything by heart.

A Printable Cheat Sheet of All 17 Moves

Got the audio file teed up in your earbuds … but completely space cadet on what that move looked like as you’re practicing during your next laundry folding sesh? I’ve got you. Don’t fret about having to remember everything by heart.

Got the audio file teed up in your earbuds … but completely space cadet on what that move looked like as you’re practicing during your next laundry folding sesh? I’ve got you. Don’t fret about having to remember everything by heart.

  • Snag your cheat sheet download of all 17 moves & refresh your memory on the steps. Couple this download with your audio lessons for the ultimate interactive learning experience.

  • Snag your cheat sheet download of all 17 moves & refresh your memory on the steps. Couple this download with your audio lessons for the ultimate interactive learning experience.

The Belly Dance Secrets Ebook

Where are my curious fact-finders? I’ve found after 18 years of teaching belly dancing, countless questions come up—

Where are my curious fact-finders? I’ve found after 18 years of teaching belly dancing, countless questions come up—

  • “How do I stay safe while doing these moves?”

  • “Are there other styles of belly dancing I’d be interested in?”

  • “Where did this movement even come from?”

  • “I’ve noticed not every belly dancer has some fitness-model-worthy 6-pack … yet they rock the most sexy confidence! How do I get that?:

  • “How do I stay safe while doing these moves?”

  • “Are there other styles of belly dancing I’d be interested in?”

  • “Where did this movement even come from?”

  • “I’ve noticed not every belly dancer has some fitness-model-worthy 6-pack … yet they rock the most sexy confidence! How do I get that?:

That’s why I’m dropping off an 110 page ebook —possibly the most comprehensive

guide ever written on belly dancing.

It’s packed with literally everything you could want to know about belly dancing. From getting started to different styles, staying safe, costume, history, body image … answer your endless curiosity & see if this is something you could pick up as a new hobby with this ultimate ebook.

It’s packed with literally everything you could want to know about belly dancing. From getting started to different styles, staying safe, costume, history, body image … answer your endless curiosity & see if this is something you could pick up as a new hobby with this ultimate ebook.

But once you get hooked on the habit of hip rolls, you’ll be ready to kick your health into gear in other areas.

That’s why for a limited-time, I’m able to throw in

6 FREE bonus gifts

—all yours for joining the Belly Dance Solution family. 


The "Daily Shimmy Guide" Blueprint For Success

Make achieving your every goal as easy as can be with my "Daily Shimmy Guide” Blueprint for Success. This 21-day personal plan walks you through which video to watch and what to practice—never lose motivation or get lost in the (hip) shuffle—

  • ​Get a daily plan for exactly which video to watch and what to practice next: You’ll see an exact 21-day fridge-ready printable breakdown of how to make The Belly Dance Solution a fun, doable workout.

  • My special guide, “10 Ways To Stay Motivated, Inspired & Consistent With Your Belly Dance Practice” to set you on a ​long term success plan that sets your foundation for lifelong pelvic floor strength.



The "Queens Of Belly Dance" YouTube Playlist

Cue the inspo—see what’s possible & learn to belly dance with help from amazing teachers from all over the world. I’ve hand-picked the best of the best on the internet, and I’m handing it over to you. 

  • Get 20+ videos inside my inspiring hand-picked playlist featuring hours of video from the belly dancers I myself look up to. 

  • See how belly dancing is for women of all shapes, sizes and ages when you click through the PDF guide of dancers from the U.S., Egypt, Brazil, Israel, Turkey, Ukraine, and beyond.

($27.00 Value)


Hip Scarf DIY & Vetted Vendor List

I know it sounds “extra” … but my students are proof: spending a bit (we’re talking $20—I’ve got some sources!) on a hip scarf with coins that jingle makes you feel like an exotic queen … and helps you dance better. You’ll be able to see & feel every belly dance movement! 

  • Whether you’d like to buy off the rack or DIY your own, I’ll introduce you to my carefully vetted list of vendors for the finest quality materials.

  • Plus, access 2 must-watch videos that reveal how to choose the right hip scarf for you and how to properly wear a hip scarf. 

($27.00 Value)


The Expert Interview Vault

Google can’t always be trusted when it comes to treating your leakage and incontinence. That’s why I sat down one-on-one with five top pelvic floor and incontinence experts to get answers and solutions to your most pressing questions. 

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn…

  • What most doctors aren't telling you about solving your leaking fast AND naturally!

  • How your hormones are silently making your leaking worse-and how to get them under control.

  • The true story about an American woman who defied medical opinions and reclaimed her life by healing her leakage in just 12 weeks!

  • ​​Why Kegels can actually make your problem worse if you have a very common type of pelvic issue (there’s a good chance you do!)

Unlock answers to these & more as I interview physical therapists, OBGYNs, authors, and more.

($47.00 Value)


The Ultimate Natural Remedies Guide

The Belly Dance Solution will impact leakage—I’m sure of it. But besides movements, let’s talk about what you’re putting into your body & other ways you’re taking care of yourself. Inside my 20+ page Natural Remedies Guide, we’ll do just that.

  • At one point or another a doctor has probably offered you risky, synthetic drugs for your leakage! But better health is rarely at the bottom of a pill bottle, and that’s why I’ll talk you through nutrition, spleen & kidney energy, acupuncture, and more.

  • ​Based on my combined 18+ years as a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and personal trainer, this guide reveals natural healing and nutrition strategies that can help stop leaking without devastating side effects, drugs or invasive surgery.

($37.00 Value)

What’s the cost of all this? 

Could you go out & ClassPass a belly-dance training? Absolutely. I’m all-for dance classes & fitness trainings—I’ve been in the dance and physical training industry for nearly 2 decades.

There are a couple of problems with that.

First, belly dancing isn’t some strictly regulated or licensed industry–there are a lot of bad teachers out there. It’s paramount to practice moves safely.

Secondly, a class—while super fun—typically won’t slow down to unpack the core movements that I want you to practice while you brush your teeth … fold laundry … watch Succession. <<< These are the micro-movements that add up to sculpted obliques AND fewer potty “uh-oh” moments. Because I want you to get the MOST bang for your buck with each and every minute move.

Plus, the most common solutions to on-the-go, feel-good workouts require a monthly membership … and usually at LEAST 20 minutes of your time (lookin’ at you, Peloton classes). 

What’s the cost of all this? 

Could you go out & ClassPass a belly-dance training? Absolutely. I’m all-for dance classes & fitness trainings—I’ve been in the dance and physical training industry for nearly 2 decades.

There are a couple of problems with that.

First, belly dancing isn’t some strictly regulated or licensed industry–there are a lot of bad teachers out there. It’s paramount to practice moves safely.

Secondly, a class—while super fun—typically won’t slow down to unpack the core movements that I want you to practice while you brush your teeth … fold laundry … watch Succession. <<< These are the micro-movements that add up to sculpted obliques AND fewer potty “uh-oh” moments. Because I want you to get the MOST bang for your buck with each and every minute move.

Plus, the most common solutions to on-the-go, feel-good workouts require a monthly membership … and usually at LEAST 20 minutes of your time (lookin’ at you, Peloton classes). 

Not to mention if incontinence is an issue for you like it is for 35% of women? 

That doesn’t even begin to factor in the cha-ching price of…

That doesn’t even begin to factor in the cha-ching price of…

… the monthly, disposable expense of Poise & leakage pads into your later decades

… pelvic floor physical therapist—which can be out of pocket, out of network … and cost hundreds and thousands of dollars

… fancy devices 

Well, the way I see it, money shouldn’t be the thing that stops you from regaining your health and feeling amazing again. That’s why I’ve pieced together the most insane deal I’ve EVER seen on belly dancing basics, because I want this to be a dead-simple, resounding “heck yes” to get you started. 

And yup, any big-time CEO would tell me this is a miserable way to run a business—but you know what? That doesn’t bother me. I’m in this to help as many women as possible feel sexy and feminine again.

That’s why you can get the ENTIRE Belly Dance Solution system today for ONE payment of $37. 

what's included:

  • The Belly Dance Solution Method - 17 Videos ($297 Value)

  • Quick & Easy Audio Practice Drills ($37 Value)​

  • "The Belly Dance Secrets"eBook ($27 Value)

Plus The Limited Time Bonuses...

  • The "Daily Shimmy Guide" Blueprint For Success ($37 value)

  • The "Queens of Belly Dance" YouTube Playlist ($27 Value)

  • The Belly Dance Cheat Sheets ($27 value)

  • ​DIY Belly Dance Hip Scarf & Vendor List ($27 value)​

  • Expert Interview Vault ($47 value)​

  • The Ultimate Natural Remedies Guide ($34 value)

TOTAL VALUE: $567.00




"Way more fun than abs

and planks"


"So fun and I recommend it

to everybody"


"My hips feel so good!"


"I definitely feel it in my abs"



"Way more fun than abs

and planks"


"So fun and I recommend it to everybody"


"My hips feel so good!"


"I definitely feel it in my abs"


Because I believe so fully in this program, I'm proud to honor my zero-risk 30-day “shake on it” guarantee.

If you’re not 100% satisfied, I’ll hand over a 100% hassle-free refund. 

If you purchase today and if for any reason you don’t believe my program strengthens your pelvic floor, prevents leakage and is overwhelmingly enjoyable, I will refund your money in full within 30 days.

That means you get 30 days from your date of purchase to evaluate the program and decide if it's right for you. If you're anything but 100% thrilled, just email me and I will give you a full and complete refund, no hassles and no hard feelings. Click here for the full terms and conditions. -> 

If you’re not 100% satisfied, I’ll hand over a 100% hassle-free refund. 

If you purchase today and if for any reason you don’t believe my program strengthens your pelvic floor, prevents leakage and is overwhelmingly enjoyable, I will refund your money in full within 30 days.

That means you get 30 days from your date of purchase to evaluate the program and decide if it's right for you. If you're anything but 100% thrilled, just email me and I will give you a full and complete refund, no hassles and no hard feelings. Click here for the full terms and conditions. -> 

And just who am I? Step into my studio—

Hi! I’m Jennifer Sobel

I teach women like you how to rediscover a love with your body, nix the leakage that WAY too many women experience, and feel stronger … all through the power of belly dance.

I've been a professional belly dance instructor and performer for 18 years. Ever since the first shake of my belly, I knew how incredible belly dancing made me feel. But it took my inspiring students to help me fully realize the power of this beautiful art form to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

As a qualified acupuncturist and personal trainer, I’ve seen how the almost-mystic art of belly dance transforms so much more than confidence levels and oblique muscles—it’s one of the most natural, organic ways to strengthen your core as a female. 

And now? I am drawing back the curtain so you can virtually shadow me at the studio, learning the exact movements to toss the Poise pads & embrace your stronger (even sultry!) side.

This is how to start getting core muscle + pelvic floor results—without pills & devices.

By following a step-by-step blueprint.

And that, my friend, is why I created a solution, one that guides women through movements step-by-step, without pretense or judgement.

Are you ready?

This is how to start getting core muscle + pelvic floor results—without pills & devices.

By following a step-by-step blueprint.

And that, my friend, is why I created a solution, one that guides women through movements step-by-step, without pretense or judgement.

Are you ready?

How to know if you’re a perfect match for

The Belly Dance Solution

You can’t pee without thinking “it’s all out, right??” … every time. The thought of leaking—or actual moment of it—has brought on one to many emergency runs to the closet for a fresh pair of undies.

You just know there’s a way to feel back in control of your body—whether you’re passing through post-partum months or pre-menopause years … AND get back in touch with your confidence and self-esteem without some crazy workout system.

 You want someone to hold your hand and show you the ropes on the whole belly dancing thing—without the nerve-wrecking classes or trip to Morrocco.

You love the energy from moving… but you're feeling semi-burnt-out because working out is a tired, ho-hum part of your schedule in need of a little spice.

How to know if you’re a perfect match for

The Belly Dance Solution

You can’t pee without thinking “it’s all out, right??” … every time. The thought of leaking—or actual moment of it—has brought on one to many emergency runs to the closet for a fresh pair of undies

You just know there’s a way to feel back in control of your body—whether you’re passing through post-partum months or pre-menopause years … AND get back in touch with your confidence and self-esteem without some crazy workout system

 You want someone to hold your hand and show you the ropes on the whole belly dancing thing—without the nerve-wrecking classes or trip to Morrocco

You love the energy from moving… but you're feeling semi-burnt-out because working out is a tired, ho-hum part of your schedule in need of a little spice.

Here’s what other women have asked

before diving into the Belly Dance Solution—

Here’s what other women have asked before diving into the Belly Dance Solution—

I have no dance experience, is this program for me?

I designed this program for absolute beginners, so if you have no dance experience, no problem! I've been a belly dance instructor for 14+ years and my special superpower is making belly dance approachable and fun for everyone!

Is this program low-impact and easy on the joints?

Belly Dance is completely no-impact and is the perfect exercise and dance form for people who are recovering from injury or have limited mobility. But as always, feel free to modify the movements for what feels best for you!

How long before I see results?

Improvement in your frequency and severity of bladder leakage is a process and will happen over time. Just like strengthening any muscle, it takes time. I recommend recording your baseline symptoms before you begin the program and then track results week by week. It's important to practice for at least 10 minutes a day, longer for best results. The key is improvement over time but maximum results may take a few months. 

I don't have a "belly dancer body", is this program right for me?

There's a huge misconception about belly dance that it's only for women that are thin. This is ridiculous! Belly dancing is for EVERY woman, regardless of size. It's one of the things I love about it!

Can men do this program?

Of course! Despite what many people think, men suffer from incontinence too and also have pelvic floor muscles:-). Belly dance is completely an equal opportunity dance, open to all ages, sizes and genders. In fact, some of the most well regarded belly dancers in the world are men!

What if it doesn't work?

I'm 100% confident that if you do the movements and practice consistently you will see a dramatic improvement. The scientific study on belly dance and incontinence and the real experience of women shows this to be true. But if you don't like it for any reason, just ask for a full refund!

Ask yourself this: 

What have you said no to on account of feeling disconnected from your femininity, stressing about leakage, or sighing over low self-confidence?

Jumping on a trampoline (pad free)? Reaching for the right size—not just the bigger size that hides your hips? Skipping out on the dance floor? Standing up in a crowded room after you sneeze twice in a row (uh, pants check partner, where you at)?

Maybe it’s initiating sex or walking past the mirror post-shower without a towel. 

I’m not saying belly dance will solve all your problems. 

What am I saying is that with the staying power of 2,500 years … there’s something to those svelte hips, confident swagger, and tight pelvic floor (the one with the panties that stay dry). 

These safe, organic moves fit into your fringe hours—those 5 to 10-minute pockets that hyphenate our life as on-the-go women. 

what's included:

  • The Belly Dance Solution Method - 17 Videos ($297 Value)

  • Quick & Easy Audio Practice Drills ($37 Value)​

  • "The Belly Dance Secrets"eBook ($27 Value)

Plus The Limited Time Bonuses...

  • The "Daily Shimmy Guide" Blueprint For Success ($37 value)

  • The "Queens of Belly Dance" YouTube Playlist ($27 Value)

  • The Belly Dance Cheat Sheets ($27 value)

  • ​DIY Belly Dance Hip Scarf & Vendor List ($27 value)​

  • Expert Interview Vault ($47 value)​

  • The Ultimate Natural Remedies Guide ($34 value)

TOTAL VALUE: $567.00



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